Maths Week

As part of our learning for Maths week, the children enjoyed listening to the story ‘How Many Legs?’ They enjoyed counting along to the story and were excited to return to class to participate in a range of mathematical activities. They worked together to sort a variety of animals by their number of legs and created the groups; 2 legs, 4 legs and more than 4. They then went on to use the animals to create repeating patterns. What amazing mathematicians we have in Chestnut Class! 

Unexpected visitor in Chestnut Class!

The Chestnuts were excited to discover that they had an unexpected visitor come into the classroom whilst they were in PE. They followed the footprints and clues and discovered that our visitor must have been a hedgehog! This sparked great excitement in the class and was a lovely introduction to our new text this half term ‘Wide awake hedgehog’.


Chestnut Class have loved learning about the festival of Diwali and have enjoyed immersing themselves into some of the different ways that it is celebrated. They have had lots of fun creating rice rangoli patterns, clay diya lamps and firework dances using ribbons. Fantastic work Chestnuts!

Our first week back went off with a BANG!

What a fantastic start to our half term!

This week, the children have enjoyed exploring the celebrations of Halloween and Bonfire night. They have enjoyed using straws to create their very own firework paintings and spent time describing their fireworks using words such as; popping, sparkling and fiery. Alongside this, the children loved using ribbons to create their own firework themed dance. It was lovely to see them working together to choregraph their own routines! Well done Chestnut Class!