Meeting a minibeast expert 🕷🐛

What a fabulous afternoon we have had! We got to finish off our topic all about minibeasts with a virtual workshop with Dartmoor Zoo.

We had the chance to look at lots of minibeasts (including leaf insects, tarantulas and a millipede). We learnt about where they came from, what they liked to eat and how they communicate with other minibeasts.

Our favourite was the tarantula that we saw. We got to look at the malted fur and even saw a “giant bird eating spider”. When we saw the malted fur, some of us hid from the screen!!

The children in Chestnut Class had the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about minibeasts.

What a brilliant end to our topic.

Miss Coughlin 🙂

How many sweets are there?

This week we have had a large jar filled with sweets. We have been estimating how many sweets we thought were inside and have tried to record this on a piece of paper.

This afternoon we found out how many sweets were in the jar altogether! We each had one more ‘sensible guess’ before the big reveal.

Altogether there were… 33 packets of sweets inside the jar!! Our closest estimate was 30. The best part was, we got to take some sweets home to enjoy.

Miss Coughlin 🙂

What are we good at?

Today we started to think about things we are good at. Lots of us have started to think it’s bad if things aren’t perfect. So we had a chat about how giving everything a go and trying our best is amazing and it makes us a good learner.

Everyone had to think about things they could do. We then had to share these with a friend before writing as many as we could on a whiteboard.

Everyone had SO many “I cans” written on their board and we realised how great it feels to talk about what we are good at.

Well done Chestnut Class.

Miss C 🙂

Our visit to the park 🌧

Today was so exciting for us all in Chestnut Class, it was our first time going on an outing out of school!

We started our day by thinking about how we can be safe when crossing the road. We read a story all about a Super Cat who helps people cross the road, we even became his sidekick Super Kittens.

We learned a rap about how we need to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before crossing any road, we even chatted to our friends about how we could learn this, using actions and silly voices to keep it in our heads.

After lunch, we then popped on our wellies and waterproofs ready to meet Saplings at the park.

We did the hokey cokey, sang our favourite songs and went for a walk to look at the allotments.

We had such a fun afternoon (even though we got a little damp).

Miss Coughlin 🙂

Phonics Play 💻

This week one of our ‘Busy Bee’ Learning Challenges is to interact with Phonics Play and try to use a Chromebook. We have been working with our friends to listen to a word and try to find the correct letters needed to type what the word is.

We have loved using the Chromebooks so much that we want to use them again next week for our Phonics Learning Challenge!

As we have all been using the Chromebooks, we have looked at home we can be safe online and we had a think about what we use the internet for when we are in school and at home. Everyone shared their ideas and we talked about how it is important to let a grown-up know if anything happens that we are unsure of.

We finished off our E-Safety morning by designing our own tablets and the apps on them.

Well done Chestnuts!

Miss Coughlin 🙂