Tractor visit

The Chestnut children were incredibly excited to be visited by Mr Gammin today. They loved hearing all about the work that he does on the farm during harvest and enjoyed exploring the different crops including grains, silage, hay and straw. The biggest highlight of the day was the John Deere. The children loved being able to sit in the cab and explore.

Author visit

This morning, the children were excited to be visited by the author ‘Clare Welsh’. They had an exciting assembly where they listened to one of her stories and found out how she became an author. Following on from the assembly, the children were lucky enough to explore Clare’s author mobile and enjoyed sharing stories together inside. What an inspiring morning!

World Mental Health Day

“What do you want to be when you grow up? ”

“Kind” said the boy. (Charlie Mackesy- The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse)

What a fantastic day we have had in the Chestnut class! The children have enjoyed learning about mental health and have equipped themselves with tools/strategies to help them to feel happy and healthy- both physically and mentally.

Throughout the day, the children enjoyed participating in a range of activities from yoga and meditation to mindfulness colouring. The children enjoyed taking their snack time outside. They spent time having some quiet time and listening to the sounds around them. They used some meditation techniques to help them and discussed how these can be useful tools when they feel sad, cross, stressed or overwhelmed.
The children then enjoyed playing some circle games that involve lots of team work. They had to work together to move the hoop around the circle without breaking the circle. They showed great perseverance and worked together beautifully. We spoke about how we can all work together to support each other with our mental health too.

What super learners!

Another fantastic week in Chestnut class!

In Maths this week, the children have enjoyed learning how to sort objects into groups. They started by sorting the bears by colour, size and type before deciding to sort themselves. They enjoyed moving around the classroom, sorting each other into groups according to their gender, hair colour, eye colour and uniform. Great sorting Chestnuts!

In phonics this week, the children have spent time practicing the sounds that they have learnt so far and have started to use their phonic knowledge to sound out simple CVC words such as mat, sit and pat. They have blown us away with their progress- well done Chestnuts!

Alongside this incredible learning, the children have been cooking up a storm in the mud kitchen. We have had loads of delicious meals this week including; apple pie soup, salt water ice cream and mud cupcakes- yum!

Next week, we are looking forward to learning about Harvest festival, exploring our mental health and wellbeing and learning about mass and capacity in Maths. Have a lovely weekend!