Meet our class octopus! 🐙

This week we have been thinking about the word collaboratively and as a class we have been working hard to create an octopus.

Everyone worked together to create the legs needed for our octopus. We decided it would be nice for him to have a name as we all have names. The children all came up with their own ideas and in the end we voted and agreed on ‘Mr Jiggles’.

He makes us all smile when we enter the room!

Miss C 🙂

The Surprise Bag Adventures

This half term we are going to be learning about journeys and adventures that we go on. In our class, we have Chestnut Bear who likes to spend the weekend at different places- we now also have the Surprise Bag!

Each day, a Chestnut takes home the Surprise Bag and has to place an object inside it. There is one rule, it cannot be a toy! Before home time the whole class need to try and guess what object is inside the bag. This has been really exciting this week and has got everyone thinking about what makes a good question. We have asked questions about how the objects feel, smell, their size and what they are used for.

Here are some of the objects we have had so far:

We can’t wait to see what else goes inside the bag!

Miss C 🙂

Happy New Year Chestnut Class!

This week we have been settling back into our school routines after two weeks off!

Our classroom has changed over the holidays and we now have an ‘under the sea’ theme, with a role play area we can’t wait to decorate. This half term we are going to be thinking about journeys that characters go on in our stories, with a focus on Julia Donaldson books. This week we are looking at Tiddler and Rainbow Fish and we have been enjoying creating our own ‘tall tales’ for Tiddler.

In our Maths area we are giving Rainbow fish bubbles. We need to select numerals 0-10 and accurately count the correct number of gems needed, making them bubbles.

Our water tray has moved inside and this week we are looking at what happens to objects when we put them into water.

We have been investigating floating and sinking objects, making predictions with our friends BEFORE we drop objects into the water.

Outside, we are becoming Pirates and are completing Pirate adventure challenges- burying treasure, rolling canons to knock down skittles and playing I Spy.

With all the rain we have had we have also been investigating what happens to puddles when we add water. We worked together to collect the rain water we could find to add it to puddles! We were fascinated by the bubbles that appeared in the puddles when we poured more liquid into it.

What a wonderful and busy few days we have had! We can’t wait for the rest of the week.

Miss Coughlin 🙂